International Symmetry Association (ISA) was formed in Budapest, in August 2003. It is registered as a non-profit, international, non-governmental association. Its members work voluntarily for the purposes formulated in the Article 2 below.
The following were adopted by those present at the founding session in Budapest, 17th August 2003
Article 1: Name and Address
The name of the organization is International Symmetry Association (abbreviation: ISA). The interest of the ISA covers any interdisciplinary, inter-cultural study of various aspects of symmetry and related concepts (e.g., proportion, rhythm, invariance) in science and in art, technology, and design (in short, “symmetrology”).
The Association’s headquarters are in Budapest. The address of the Association is that of the Office of the CEO.
Article 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Association is:
(1) to bring together artists and scientists, engineers and designers, educators and students, who are devoted to, or interested in, the research and understanding of the concept and application of symmetry (asymmetry, antisymmetry, dissymmetry);
(2) to provide regular information to the general public about developments and events in symmetrology;
(3) to ensure regular forums (including the organization of conferences, exhibitions, and publishing in printed and electronic forms, including the maintenance of website and interactive internet facilities) for all those interested in symmetrology.
Article 3: Non-profit organization
The Association is a non-profit organization. It has no other purposes beyond those stated in Article 2. Its members and officials serve without any remuneration from the Association.
Article 4: Membership
The following types of membership are:
Honorary Members: elected by the Assembly on the advice of the Executive Board.
Ordinary Members: any scientist, artist, educator or other specialist in the world, engaged in research or in application of any field of symmetrology may apply for Ordinary Membership.
Student Members: students at degree granting institutions may apply for Student Membership.
Corporate Members: any institution or association with corresponding interests may apply for Corporate Membership.
Membership is registered in the CEO’s office. Membership terminates by the resignation of the member, by the death of the member, or by the decision of the Executive Board, provided, that the member neglected her/his duties, ignored majority decisions, or threatened the good reputation of the Association.
Article 5: Rights and Duties of the Members
Any member has the right to vote in the affairs of the Association, according to procedures determined by the Executive Board, and may be nominated and elected to all functions. Members must abide by the Articles of the Association, and uphold the reputation of the Association. Majority decisions made by the elected boards are compulsory for all members.
Members are entitled to take part in symmetry-related events organized by the ISA and can subscribe to publications at a reduced rate (determined or negotiated by the Association and the publishers). All members have the right to access information regarding the internal life of the Association.
Article 6: Leading Organs of the Association
The highest decision-making body of the Association is the Assembly. The Assembly consists of the members stated in Article 4. The Assembly is a voting quorum of at least 40 members or a minimum of 30 per cent of the membership (whichever figure is lower). The Assembly must have at least half of its members from outside the host country and must represent at least 10 countries and 3 continents. All members of the Association should have access to information about the lanned meeting at least three months in advance of it.
The Executive Board (EB) is elected by the Assembly plus the members voting in e-mail, and acts on behalf of it until the next Assembly. The members of the EB represent their region and are responsible to the membership in their region. Regional and disciplinary diversity is a leading aspect in the nomination of the EB members. Membership in the EB terminates for any person who resigns from it, by a voting process, or if her/his membership in the Association terminates. Twenty-five per cent of the registered members in a region have the right to initiate a voting process to terminate membership of an EB member before the end of that person’s term. Members of the EB can be re-elected, but may not serve in this function longer than 9 years.
The EB invites members to the Advisory Board. The first Assembly may invite Honorary Presidents and Honorary Members. Later on the EB may initiate the election of Honorary Presidents and Honorary members.
The EB elects the members of the Board of Electors (BE). The members of the BE must represent the will of the EB, and implement the decisions of the EB. The BE also represents the members who submitted their votes via e-mail. The number of the EB and the BE members should preferably be equal. The BE must convene regularly (but at least once a year), and the majority of the BE members must be present at any decision making.
Article 7: Decision making
The Assembly makes its decision through open voting. Members may exercise their right to vote in the affairs of the association by e-mail*. Votes should be sent to the e-mail address declared by the CEO, to the Chairman of the EB, and to at least one member of the Executive Board in that member’s respective region, with a clear declaration that the e-mail contains the member’s vote. For security reasons, the CEO, the Chairman of the EB, and the addressed EB member(s) have the right to check the validity of the sender of the e-mail. The Board of Electors is responsible for adding the e-mailed votes (pro, con, and abstentions) to the corresponding votes obtained during the Assembly.
All Members have the right to nominate candidates in an election process. All members have the right to access information and submit their vote, if a decision making or an election process has been initiated.
A voting process can be initiated by the Chairman of the EB and the CEO, even in the lack of an Assembly. The Chairman of the EB and the CEO must announce the process, permit all members to have access to the information, and give them enough time to submit their votes. The Chairman of the EB and the CEO may initiate the nomination of a new EB if no Assembly could convene more than three years since the last one. In this case the election process can be executed by e-mail voting alone. The CEO must collect and summarize the votes and send them to the Chairman of the Executive Board for confirmation.
In any issue, the Executive Board decides by electronic communication among the EB members, and lets their decision be known by the Board of Electors. The final decision on the results of an election should be made at the meeting of the Board of Electors, whose decision must take into consideration the decisions of the Executive Board.
Article 8: Officers
The Chairperson of the Advisory Board, the Chairman of the EB, and the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) are elected by the Assembly plus the members voting via e-mail.
The Officers, including the Chairperson of the Advisory Board, the members of the EB, the Chairman of the EB, the members of the Board of Electors, and the CEO can be re-elected for the same function for two more periods (altogether a maximum of 9 years). Officers of the Association should have made a scholarly or artistic contribution to the development of symmetry.
The Chairperson of the Advisory Board shall represent the Association and express the opinion shared by the Advisory Board in scientific/artistic affairs. The Chairperson may advise the Executive Board, its Chairperson, and the CEO on behalf of the Advisory Board.
The Chairperson of the Executive Board coordinates the work of the EB and expresses the will of the EB to the CEO and the Board of Electors.
The CEO chairs the Board of Electors; is the chief executive officer of the Association; shall be responsible for executing the general policies of the Association and the concrete decisions made by the Executive Board or the Members, as confirmed by the Board of Electors; shall act as a spokesman; and shall represent the Association.
* Taking into consideration, that all members of a world-wide association cannot convene regularly. back
Mailing address:
29 Eötvös St., Budapest, H-1067 Hungary
Phone: 36 (1) 302-6965